Showing posts with label The Most Artistic Natural Homes in the World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Most Artistic Natural Homes in the World. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Cob Houses - The Natural Homes

This is one of the Cob Homes built by Architect and Natural Builder Ileana Mavrodin of Casa Verde in Banat, Romania. She with a few others, are using Natural Materials in Romania to help people rediscover their Local Skills and Community Spirit.

This Home was the Ist Fully Permitted Cob House in Canada. It was a collaboration between Pat and Tracy, Lanto and Elke with a team of Volunteers. The Roof is totally load bearing on the Cob Walls. The House built in 1999, is 600 sq.ft (56m2) on 2 Floors.

This Beautiful Cob Home sits on the Banks of a Small Stream in Somerset, England. Recently the Little Stream became a Torrent that almost burst its Bank, a close call for one of The Most Artistic Natural Homes in the World. It's the work of Lisa and Rich who built the House with Clay from the Stream and Round Wood Pine and Hawthorne thinned from the Local Woodlands. The Roof is tiled with Cedar Shingles and the Walls are Straw Bale on the north and east with Sculpted Swirls of Cob on the south and west.

These are some of the Beautiful Cob Homes in Coquille, OR, USA, built at Cob Cottage Company by the many people who go there to learn how to build using Natural Materials. These Little Homes cost very little to build. Lanto and Linda, the founders of Cob Cottage, talk about their work in a video where you will find out just how cheap these Natural Homes can be.

This is a Cob and Straw Bale Round House by Earthed World. The Round House is an Outdoor Classroom at Arden Grove Infant School in Norwich, England. It's a starting point for the School to meet before exploring the outside environment. The Round House sits within a Growing Forest Garden which lent itself to a Theme of Trees for some of the Artistic Features in the Round House.

This Hotel is set in Woodlands near Dnipropetrovs'k, Ukraine. The Dome Rooms were built using Traditional Ukrainian Building Methods where a Wooden Framework is coated first with a mixture of Clay and Straw and then with Clay mixed with Sawdust. The Roof is mainly 40 cm of Reed Thatch. The Building is by Yuri Ryntovt. Before designing this Hotel Yuri built and lived in a Cob Eco Village.

This is one of The Loveliest Natural Homes on the Planet. It's Lanto and Linda's Cob Home in Coquille, OR, USA at Cob Cottage Company. There are often opportunities to join Lanto and Linda at one of their many Cob Cottage Workshops.

This is 'Little Cottage' sitting in the optimistic shade of a Small Wild Apricot. It's one of the Natural Homes at Jill Hogan's Alternative Technology Centre in McGregor, South Africa about 130 km west of Cape Town.

The Round Wood Sticking out of the Cob Walls is part of a Simple Cooling System to carry Loose Sticks in the Summer to provide shade for the Windows. The Sticks also scatter the strong South African light adding one of the many patterns from 'A Pattern Language' that you'll find in this home.

This Quaint Cob Cottage in Deddington, England cost almost nothing to build. It was built by Michael Buck almost exclusively from Materials from his Farm. The Clay for the Cob came from the site and the Long Straw for the Thatch came from a few Fields away. Poplars were planted by Michael 8 years before they were felled for joists. Reclaimed Floor Boards and Windows were donated by Customers of his Local Vegetable Box Scheme. Water comes from an Old Well and a Spring. Apart from some Additional Straw and Thatching Pins it cost nothing to build and used no Power Tools in its construction. 

This is the Cob Meditation Sanctuary at Hollyhock on Cortes Island, Canada. The building has a very nice ‘Entrance Transition’. That's the gradual movement from the Public Space to the Private Space of the Building.